Something in the AIRS

Why I Do What I Do

Publish Date: 11/26/2019

I started in the non-profit sector when I was a Junior in college. In the beginning, my employment choice was labeled as "smart." Folks would say; “Nonprofits are a great way to get your foot in the door and get work experience!” That was sixteen years ago, and now the statements have turned into puzzled questions; “You're still there?” They ask polite questions about my career, but what they want to know is why I do what I do...

I think we've all been asked this question before, and we all understand how awkward it can be to answer. How do you tell someone about your job and convey your excitement and passion when the sacrifice you  make to do it seems unfathomable to them? 

We all do this nonprofit thing for our own various reasons. For some, it may be an opportunity to work with exciting people. For others, it might be having the chance to work while engaging both one's head and heart. The list could go on. Whatever the reason, I think we all can agree; our purpose is not about punching a clock to get a paycheck - it’s about making a meaningful impact.

So, why do I do what I do?  

Well, let me tell you a story. Picture Sicily, 1922, and I am using my best Sophia Petrillo voice... 

Once there was a little girl who wanted to grow up to be a teacher. She loved the thought of deeply connecting to people and making a difference in their lives. She would make her siblings play school for hours. She also loved to learn. In the end she didn’t become  a teacher per se, but she became a mom and eventually an Outreach Manager for 2-1-1 Virginia. 

That little girl was me. 

I have had the unique and wonderful opportunity to both teach and learn in my work. Sawalich says, "Help the life of one person, and you can help the community." Every time I learn about a new resource, I realize how much it would have helped me when my son was little; how some of these resources could have made life just a little bit easier. Then I get to turn around and others about those options and opportunities. So, I keep working in that crazy human services non profit world in the hopes of making a positive difference in someone's life. Educating my neighbors about resources that can better their lives and those of their families helps them do things they never thought possible. It creates a path out of their stress and sorrow and into a better life. 

Being an Outreach Manager allows me to pass on my knowledge of the community to those who need it and learn from those who know more than I. This isn't a job or a career, it's my way of life.

So, why do you do what you do? :)


Altise Street has nearly 16 years of experience in the nonprofit sector, working primarily within 2-1-1 VIRGINIA. Altise joined 2-1-1 in 2005 as a Certified Information & Referral Specialist (CIRS). Her responsibilities quickly grew, and she was ultimately promoted to a Regional Outreach Manager for the Richmond/Petersburg area. In this capacity, she works with faith-based and community stakeholders to expand and promote education on programs and services available to residents. She has facilitated dozens of informational forums and workshops throughout her 27 city/county focal area.

Altise earned her Bachelor of Science Degree in Business from Virginia Commonwealth University. Additionally, she has a Master's Degree in Business Administration from the University of Phoenix. She has presented twice at the Alliance for Information & Referral Systems Conference. Currently, she is the Chair of the VAIRS Training & Education Committee.

Above all, Altise is a devoted mother to her child, Duvan.