Morning Mini Chair Yoga

  • Registration Closed

Grab your chair, get up, and stretch! This session will include gentle breathing and stretching exercises to combat the effects of sitting. No yoga mat, sweat, floor work, or change of clothes needed. Better than coffee!

Catie Lasich


Office Meet Yoga, San Francisco, California

Catie sees yoga as an energy management system. Through yoga postures and breathwork, you can shift your energy in the direction that will best serve you that day, or in a particular moment. Yoga helps her steady her mind and to feel fully at home in her body.


"Morning Mini - Chair Yoga"
Select the "View On-Demand Recording" button to begin.  |  15 minutes
Select the "View On-Demand Recording" button to begin.  |  15 minutes Grab your chair, get up, and stretch! This session will include gentle breathing and stretching exercises to combat the effects of sitting. No yoga mat, sweat, or change of clothes needed. Better than coffee!